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university Of Twente (UT)

L’Università di Twente è famosa per combinare tecnologia, innovazione e società. Con un focus su tecnologia per il mondo sanitario e materiali intelligenti (smart materials).

Università all’avanguardia per coloro che sono interessati a corsi tecnici innovativi e versioni moderne di argomenti più classici, come business e comunicazione. Se studiassi qui per esempio la psicologia, non diventeresti  uno "psicologo classico" ma uno che ricerca il modo in cui la mente umana interagisce con l'IA, i robot e la realtà virtuale.

Caratteristiche Uniche >>

Corsi di Laurea Triennale in Inglese (Bachelor courses)

University College ATLAS
Advanced Technology

Applied Mathematics
Business Information Technology

Chemical Science & Engineering

Civil Engineering

Communication Science

Creative Technology

Electrical Engineering

Industrial Design Engineering

Industrial Engineering & Management

International Business Administration

Management, Society & Technology (3 specializzazioni: Global & European Studies /Public Administration & Systems Analysis & Data Sciences)

Mechanical Engineering


Technical Computer Sciences


Corsi di Laurea Magistrale in Inglese (Masters)

Applied Mathematics (3 specializzazioni)

Applied Physics

Biomedical Engineering

Business Administration (7 spec.)

Business Information Technology (2 spec)

Chemical Engineering (2 spec.)

Civil Engineering & Management (4 spec)

Communication Science (4 spec)

Computer Science (4 spec)
Construction Management & Engineering (2 spec)

Educational Science & Technology
Electrical Engineering (12 spec)
Embedded Systems
Environmental & Energy Management (3 spec)
European Studies

Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (8 spec)

Geographical Information Management and Applications

Health Sciences (3 spec)

Industrial Design Engineering (3 spec)

Industrial Engineering & Management (3 spec)

Internaction Technology

Mechanical Engineering (7 spec)

Methodology & Statistics for the Behavioral, Biomedical & Social Sciences


Philosophy of Science, Technology & Society

Psychology (5 spec)

Publical Administration

Spatial Engineering

Sustainable Energy Technology

Systems & Control (4 spec)

Transdisciplinary Master Insert: Shaping Responsible Futures

Caratteristiche Uniche

1. Best ranked for engineering

2. High tech & human touch!

3. L'università più imprenditoriale di Olanda 

4. Unica università con un vero campus 'americano' per gli studenti

4. Alcuni corsi vengono offerto ad Amsterdam o Leeuwarden

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